Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh Hey Didn't See You There!

Herro :3
Thats weird.
Just kidding its weird.
Ahhaha I'm acting like a new bee!
Focus. Blogging. Go.
I have no explanation for myself, im weird funny retarded sarcastic horrific sexual nice average-looking all smushed into a person. This clearly means I'm Wetarsticorrualiceaveing. Oh yes. (If you didn't get that, i put all the words I listed into one big word. Thanks, Tips.)

So I know some people would come here to listen to me rant about Sarah, but I'm over that and we;ve gone our separate ways. Case Closed. The Real reason I'm here is because a girl came up to me the other day, and she could tell who I was from these blogs. And to be honest she seemed kind of sad I wasn't still Blogging... So I will then? Its a plan O_O Starting now O_O

I had no clue what to make my first blog so I made this beautiful post about not knowing what to post :D :D :D

Maybe some outfits later? XD Classic.
